In digital marketing, like in many other areas, too much information can be a bad thing. As digital marketers, we have to track lots of metrics that deliver a ton of data. While we certainly need this data to deliver value to our clients, spending too much time analyzing it all can make it hard to stay on track.
Due to this, I’ve found it quite helpful to take time to plan out my digital marketing strategy as soon as I start working on any new project. That way, I can ensure I deliver on all of my clients’ long and short-term digital marketing objectives as well as meet their expectations. Having a road map of sorts also allows me to know whether I’m failing or performing as I should.
Selecting the Right Goals For Your Digital Marketing Campaign
The first step when coming up with an effective, results-driven marketing strategy is setting the right goals. This gives you a clear vision of what you’re working towards and what exactly you want to achieve. Most importantly, having your goals in place ensures that you efficiently spend you and your clients’ effort, time and money.
So how do you about selecting the right goals for your business or clients?
Well, you have to do the legwork. You have to put in hours researching the current industry trends around your business. Additionally, you have to collect historical data and analyze it. These two metrics will help you identify a couple of things such as whether the business is affected by seasonality and also help you identify which marketing channels have performed better over time.
Once you have that information ready, you can set measurable and achievable goals.
Keeping Track of Your Internal Digital Marketing Progress
Another great way to ensure you have a results-driven marketing strategy is to find ways of tracking your own results. How will you know whether what you’re doing is working or whether you need to tweak your strategy?
I have found that Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are highly relevant when it comes to this part of your marketing strategy. However, you need to ensure you go for KPIs that assist you in reaching your business goals. For example, when I’m setting goals for my SEO strategy, I consider processes like improving site visibility, tracking on-page user behavior and other technical considerations such as site accessibility, structure and speed. These are not only measurable but also trackable.